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Major tom

ألرائد طوم

Added by : Khaled Medhat Moeit

Director: Khaled Medhat Moeit

Producer: Khaled Medhat Moeit

Art Director: Khaled Moeit


Best film Zawya short film festival
Second Best film Visions cairo short film festival
Best editing Visions cairo short film festival
Best directing Visions cairo short film festival
Special mention Alexandria short film festival

Offical Selection

Copper coast international film festival
poppy jasper international film festival
Zawya short film festival
Visions cairo short film festival
Alexandria short film festival

Short Synopsis (Original)

حياة طوماس المليئة بالوحدة ومشاكل والده واحلامه مع الفضاء والهروب من المنزل

Long Synopsis (Original)

من خلال صوت المملة الفرنسية المفضلة لطوماس تحكي محاولاته لتحقيق احلامه و المشاكل التي يواجهها مع والده. وحدة طوماس ادت الي نقص في قدرات التواصل الاجتماعي مما جعله يستخدم الوكمان لوصف مشاعره

Short Synopsis (English)

Thomas' life which is filled with loneliness and his father's fights and space and his girlfriend leaving him

Long Synopsis (English)

Thomas’s french sex icon tells the story of him trying to achieve his dreams while struggling from his father. Thomas’s loneliness led to a lack of communication skills which made him use his walkman to describe his feelings. All these problems stood in the way of him trying to go to Space.

Film Poster

Film Stills

Director Photo

Dialogue List

Press Kit


Other Materials