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فيلم تحريكي قصير ثنائي الأبعاد يتحدث عن ضريبة الغربة
فيلم تحريكي قصير ثنائي الأبعاد يتحدث عن ضريبة الغربة وكيف يمكن لملذاتها ان تعمينا عن نعمة العائلة و الاستقرار والسكون ، حيث يتكلم الفيلم عن صالح الذي يعيش في كوخه الصغير هو وامه حيث كانت شجرة التفاح التي بجانب منزلة هي مصدر رزقه ولكل سرعان ما اغرته المدي
A short movie that rises awareness of expatriates direct and indirect suffering.
A short two-dimensional animated movie that talks about the tax of alienation and how its pleasures can blind us to the blessing of the family, stability and tranquility, as the film talks about Saleh, who lives in his small hut with his mother, where the apple tree next to his place was his source of livelihood, and for each one was soon tempted by the city that covers The mountain facing his hut on the first day noticed that the apples were cut off from the tree in order to decide to abandon his mother and his source of livelihood and go to the city instead of being patient with her and taking care of her.