Welcome to i am a film.
Date : July 26th – July 30th, 2017 (5 days)
Place : SETEC & Theatre at Seoul, Korea
Organized by : SICAF Organizing Committee
Website : http://sicaf.org
1.No registration fee is required.
2. Qualification for Entry
Any video or film (i.e. frame by frame films, computer assisted animation films, etc.) made for the cinema, television and/or internet, can be entered. Only films completed after 1st January 2015 and never previously selected for SICAF final selection will be accepted. Each entrant declares to be the author or rights owner of film(s) and to own all the literary, artistic and musical rights. Information supplied at the time of registration will be used in various bilingual publications and may be translated or modified. Failure to obtain such agreement will result in the works being disqualified from the competition.
3.Work must be registered under one of the following categories. NOTE : There is no limit to the number of submissions.
1) Feature Films : Works with a running time of over 40 minutes in length and/or films made for cinema
2) Short Films : Works with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
3) Student Films : Works produced by students with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
4) SICAF KID : Works made for children
a) Films for 3-6 years old
b) Films for 7-12 years old
5) SICAF Online : Animated works created for the purpose of showing online or other digital platform
6) SICAF Commissioned : Animated works created for the purpose of commerce or promotion
a) Advertising or promotional films (i.e. project pilots, music videos, game videos etc.)
b) TV series, web series and TV special
c) Educational, scientific or industrial films
Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival (SICAF) is an international event that specializes in animation representing Asia. Since it started as a small animation screening event in 1995, it became the official member of the Association of Animated Film Festival (ASIFA) in 2005, and has grown into a reputable international animation festival over the past 20 years. Largely divided into competition and invitation sections, The SICAF program introduces a variety of works expanding the territory of animation from the classical masterpieces to the latest hits, focusing on the changing environment and paradigms. In addition, SICAF succeeds the tradition with Animation Awards and encourages the young artists to lead the future with International Competition and Production Support Program for Short Animation.
The 21st SICAF International Animated Film Festival keeps the past custom and constructs new trend to lead the value of animation. In the wide range of animation and related industry SICAF calls out for new inspiration by announcing SICAF2017 Animated Film Festival – Official Competition opening on 26th July 2017 in Seoul, Korea. We expects you to participate in the Official Competition, SICAF Animated Film Festival : Feature, Short, Student, KID, TV & Commissioned, and Online Film categories are now open!
SICAF 국제애니메이션영화제는 아시아를 대표하는 애니메이션 전문 행사입니다. 1995년 행사 내 소규모 애니메이션 상영회로 시작하여 2005년 국제애니메이션필름협회(ASIFA)의 공식 회원 페스티벌로 인증받으며 20년간 세계에서 공신력 있는 국제애니메이션영화제로 성장해왔습니다. 프로그램은 크게 경쟁부문과 초청부문으로 구성되며, 변화하는 환경과 그 패러다임에 주목, 고전 명작부터 최신 화제작까지 애니메이션의 영역을 확장하는 다양한 작품을 소개하고 있습니다. 또한 애니메이션 어워드를 통해 전통을, 국제공모전 및 다양한 초청 프로그램을 통해 미래를 만들어가는 예술가들을 응원하며 세계 애니메이션 발전에 기여합니다.
제 21회를 맞는 시카프 국제 애니메이션 영화제는 과거의 전통을 지키고 새로운 애니메이션의 트렌드를 적극 수용하는 가치를 기키고 있습니다. 애니메이션의 다양한 부분에서 새로운 영감을 불어넣고 있는 시카프 국제 애니메이션 영화제가 7월 26일 Seoul에서 시작되는 영화제를 위해 공식경쟁 출품신청 접수를 시작합니다. 장편, 단편, 학생, 키드, TV & 커미션드 및 온라인 부문을 포함하는 시카프 애니메이션 공식경쟁을 통해 다양한 애니메이션 작품의 향연을 기대합니다.. .
Country: Korea, Republic of
Email entries.sicaf@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: +82 2 3455 8410
Address : SICAF Organizing Committee (Film Festival Team) A-203 Seoul Animation Center, 126 Sopa-ro, Jung-gu Seoul, 04628, Republic of Korea
Website http://sicaf.org