Welcome to i am a film.
The Kurzfilmtage Thalmässing is an independent shortfilm festival. Since 1995 it has annually shown national and international shortfilms. There are no limitations in genre or format. The movies should not be longer than 15 minutes.
The rural location Thalmässing gives the shortfilmdays its special kind far from a cultural saturated media scene. Personal contact between filmmakers and audience is very important and possible.
No red carpets in Thalmässing but these are compensated by outstanding service, wonderful and cosy atmosphere as well as an enthusiastic and passionated audience!
Hand in your movies via: http://einreichen.kurzfilm-thalmaessing.de/en/. .
Country: Germany
Email info@kurzfilm-thalmaessing.de
Mobile Phone: +49 9179 1872
Address : Lerchenstraße 15
Website http://kurzfilm-thalmaessing.de